Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rethinking Worship

I tend to think differently about most things. If something has been done one way for 100 years, i think to myself "how boring doing this over and over and over the same way". My first instinct is to want to make changes. In a traditional environment this kind of thinking can get me into trouble. But in this setting I think I’m safe... All that being said...

I've been thinking about the typical role of a "creative" or "worship" ministry in a church. What is that role really encompass? Why does a team do what they do? Why does a leader do what he or she does? What inevitably is the goal? Is it really worship anymore?

I find myself questioning it. There are lot of flashy lights, some very creatively crafted transitions, great guitar solos, a very colorful bulletin, emotions running high, but did anyone actually sing? or pray? or truly worship God? did God even show up?

It seems like we are missing something. It seems like we are putting more of an emphasis on the production of worship instead of the person and object of our worship... Jesus!

What do others think about this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree to a point. I am one of those people who put together the video backgrounds each week. I don't know about others who do the same work but I pray over mine. I do believe it makes a difference to do this as I find that I can match a chorus with a background much better as I talk to the Lord while designing them. So I guess I worship while designing. But I do agree one can get carried away with too many bells and whistles missing the whole point of worship. I believe the worship leader and team can sense this when things just don't seem to come all together. The expressions, or actions of the worshipers will give you an idea if you are sensing the Lord working and a communion between the Lord and worshiper in each song. I would strive for that point in a service but I know one will not always have that in every worship service. We will one day with Him in heaven though!